Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Sunday Before Christmas

Today for sharing time the kids acted out the nativity story. Their props and costumes were so cute! they had such a fun time reading about the birth of Jesus and then singing lots of Christmas songs! We have got one cute Shepard!!!

Then after church while we were still cute and matchy we took some family pictures!
In nursery Jarom completely destroyed his cute new sunday outfit, so we had to take off his pants for the drive home, they were drenched in milk! Hopefully all will come out in the wash so he can be just as handsome next week at church in CALIFORNIA!! YAY!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wooden Toys

OK so those other give aways have come and gone and I did win the Twilight puzzle ball which is fantastic!! But I was hoping to win something for my kids. Anyway, I am trying again. There is another giveaway featuring these incredible wooden toys!! I love toys of great quality! So these great toys would be great to add to our toy collection!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Zhu Zhu Pets

It seems like everyone has got a Zhu Zhu pet but us! Which it ok, but since I have the chance to win a free one, why not? Paisley would have fun with it, as would Jarom! Let's win it!!

Dress ups

This giveaway is for a dress up of your choice. This site has so many cute princess dresses for little girls, but they also have some other dress up for boys and just for times when you don't want to be a princess. They have a cute fire fighter costume, or doctor costumes! I have plenty of princess dresses at my house, but I would love to get something for Jarom!!!

Fun Toys

Here is a giveaway for some really cute toys! A lot of the giveaways are for girl stuff, so this giveaway I really want to win because it is for a cement mixer truck! Jarom would LOVE this!

Want to win it!

Because things always seem to get tight around the holidays I have been trying my best to win a couple presents from different give away sites! Because of this the next few posts are going to be entries for some of those giveaways! So far I have won 2 different things to give as gifts!! yay!

So as most of you know I'm on TEAM JACOB!! And there is a giveaway for an awesome puzzle ball featuring the twilight peeps, so I wanna win it!! Here is the link to the giveaway on Take it from me! Good luck me!