Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Where have we been lately? Why haven't we been posting? Because we have been working like CRAZY to get ready for this!! My very first craft fair! I will be representing The Purse Place at this awesome barn sale about an hour from our house! We have been gluing and sewing like crazy. I got a new website for my store, so we have also been figuring out how to get my new signage onto business cards, a store banner and stickers. Trying to set up a table display so that it shows everything and remain attractive and not too busy is hard work! I'm pretty excited and super nervous! I will be sure to take lots of pictures and post all about how it goes. This is a sort of trial run before a HUGE holiday market I am participating in in November. But for now... BACK TO WORK!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This is Paisley after church wearing her new skirt I made Saturday night! She loves her new primary teacher, and who wouldn't when you get to have cute sack puppets like that!

Here is our big Paisley on the second day of school!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Off to School

Paisley is off to her first day of Preschool! She was so excited all morning. She called Jason and got a pep talk from him, (she didn't need it) and off we went. She was happy to take pictures of every little thing.

She was very excited to put on her backpack and head out the door.
In front of school!
Good Beginnings Preschool that way
Here is her backpack hook! Right by the OTHER Paisley in her class hook!! I didn't think we'd ever have double name issues in school with her!
She knew right where to go to get the dolls out and start playing. She wasn't nervous at all. Just very excited to go to school! What a big girl she is!