Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My little girl

I'm sitting in the basement by myself feeling a little lonely and sad. Jason is off on a business trip until Friday night (grumble, grumble) and so I have to be super Mom and do everything for everyone the next couple of days. This is really hard for me. I depend a lot on Jason. I love lunch time when he can help feed people and clean up the mess. I really look forward to five o'clock and handing the kids over to him so I can make dinner in peace, or just run to my bed for 5 minutes of alone time. I miss him!! I'm feeling sad tonight because all of the sudden my baby Paisley is going to school! What happened? Tomorrow is her first day of preschool. I got lucky and her birthday missed the date to start Kindergarten. I'm not ready for Kindergarten, although she might be. Yesterday we had a preschool meeting and she got to play while I listened to them talk about the school and the schedule. She loved it. When I went to pick her up her response was "why did you come back?" I was glad to hear that. Glad that she is well adjusted and can function without her Mom, but still I thought she was my baby. I'm sad that I forgot to have Jason give her a father's blessing at the beginning of the school year. It will just be a week late, so it will be ok, I just need her to have strength for her first day, and I probably need more than her. I've been brave this whole time, but tonight when I tucked her in bed and closed the door I really had to choke back tears. It was like I was putting my baby to bed and tomorrow I'll get my grown up girl from her room and drive her off to school. I know this is a little dramatic, but hey, I'm lonely so crazy thoughts can float through my head right now. Tomorrow I'll be sure to post pictures of my big 4 year old going off to preschool!! She is so excited I bet she won't be falling asleep for a long time! :)


  1. It is great that you can appreciate how much Paisley means to your life. It seems like yesterday that we were moving in and Paisley was a little shy girl. She has gotten so grown up. Good luck tomorrow! Try and not cry too hard:)

  2. Good luck today! I hope things go well and Jason will be home soon. It's hard to see our little ones growing up so fast! Kayson starts preschool next week, I'm a little nervous too. If you're sad today, focus on your little guy and I'm sure you'll feel better. Alone time with Jarom will be so goo for the both of you! Love you!!
