Okay get ready for a long post. This week has been very fun but very busy. We first start out with Jarom being as cute as can be!
Monday night we carved our pumpkin for FHE. It was a lot of fun. We went with a simple design this year since we had a couple nights of frost and made our pumpkin a little bit squishy.
On Tuesday the kids were able to wear their costumes to dance if they wanted, so Paisley decided she wanted too. She makes for a cute leopard!
Wednesday night was our ward party. We all got dressed up for the occassion but we unfortunately didn't think to take a picture since Jason and I were in charge of the activity we were a little busy doing other things. We are going to put on the costumes again so we can get a family shot. (SPOILER ALERT: since you have seen the kids costumes, this years theme was the zoo. Jason and I were zoo keepers, Paisley was a leopard and Jarom a giraffe.)
This is Paisley with her best friend Maisie at the ward halloween party.
Today Paisley had a great birthday. She loved all the letters and phone calls and especially all the sing to her. She was very happy to turn 4 and now considers herself to be "big". Here she is with her pile of presents.
She was much more than thrilled to get a lot of princess things for her birthday including a lot of dress up things!
Later in the evening our town had the annual trick or treat on main street and town carnival at the community building. Before heading to the festivities we went to Papa's favorite place (Braums) for ice cream!
Despite the rain this town party's hard for Halloween. We went trick or treating to all the stores even in the rain.
The carnival was a blast! Paisley loved all the games.
Paisley got some cute new jammies for her birthday and decided to wear them to bed tonight!
After a long day of celebration we came home to sing "Happy Birthday" and eat her princess cake. After the huge amounts of ice cream we had consumed earlier we all had very tiny pieces.
And I just wanted to show off how cute Jarom is in his "I love my mummy" outfit!
We've had a great week, with lots of fun. We are so happy to have Nana and Papa here. Paisley had a fabulous birthday, and we are excited to see how year 4 goes!