Friday, November 13, 2009

My first sale!

So today I received an email saying that I have received a payment and I honestly was thinking "What kind of scam is this?" I almost deleted the email without looking at it. when I did decide to open it I noticed it was a paypal paymeny for 2 of my I Spy Bags on Etsy!!! I was very excited! I've had my purses on Etsy for over a month with nothing happening, but the I Spy Bags have been on for a couple days and BAM-O! Two sold!! I've just put up two more that I finished today with high hopes for success!! Go ME!!!


  1. Work it girl! I have been setting aside little pieces to put in an I spy bag since August but haven't got around to making one. I am so excited for you! Keep up the great work!

  2. Way to go! Although I can't believe you haven't sold any purses yet, they are way cute too!
