Monday, May 10, 2010


I don't know what is going on but this has been the week for things to break!! It started out with my cell phone. Jason and I do NOT have fancy phone because Jarom likes to chew on them, Paisley talks to people on them and I don't know about Jason but I drop my phone... A LOT! Well all of my phones have always been pretty sturdy, until last week. I dropped my phone in apparently just the right angle and BAM-O! the screen broke. Not from the outside, but when we took it apart, inside the screen has a big crack in it there for it now doesn't work. I can still use the phone to talk to people, I just have to know their number by heart, and not mess up while dialing. If I miss a call, I won't know it's you, but you can call me! I'm really sad because my phone is so cute! It isn't anything special but what it is is PINK!! Luckily we are due for upgrades so when I get sick of the busted screen we can trade in for new (but not fun obviously) new phones. I'm not quite ready to get rid of my cute pink phone yet though.

Then a couple days ago our car decided to register tilt and it turned off while we were driving. It kept moving but nothing happened when you pushed the gas pedal. Once we turned it off and let it sit for a couple minutes and turned it back on everything was fine except for that pesky "check engine light!" After a phone call to the dealership it turns out this happens so often they keep a spare part on hand so it'll be no problem to fix it. Umm... dropped the ball on that one KIA!!! Luckily again, we are still under our warranty so its a FREE fix! Dodged that bullet!

Finally our number three is NOT a free fix! The broken thing is our trusty television. In our home we have two televisions. One that was given to us, it is a 13 inch TV/VCR combo. You know the kind that likes to eat your VHS tapes!! That's the one! The one that broke was our Memorial Day of 2003 Circuit City great deal!!! Our lovely silver 20 inch $80 tube tv bit the dust! Now I know that a television may be a controversial item in some homes. Definitely not a necessity in some homes and vital in others. I would call a television borderline necessity at our house. Afterall, my wii isn't going to grow a screen so I can keep playing it! And if you have ever played a wii, you would know 13 inches isn't going to cut it, especially when there are 2 players involved! Also since I'm back to being obsessed with home improvement projects, I enjoy watching HGTV! Anyway, it's pretty sad! So, if your in Kansas and know someone who wants to get rid of a TV think of us, or if you have seen a good deal on a TV lately let me know.

Hopefully we're done with broken things for a while... knock on a big piece of solid wood something!! :)


  1. check craigslist, we've had the best luck finding t.v's sorry about the rest, that stinks!

  2. Seriously, check out the pawn shop. Here or in Newton.
