Friday, April 17, 2009

10 Weeks Left...

Fewer if I have anything to do with it! :) It is pretty exciting to be in the 30+ week stage of this whole thing. Finally there is a tiny glimmer of a light at the end of the tunnel. My friends and I have talked about a baby shower in the beginning of May so I have yet to really buy anything for the baby. I have received a few things as gifts and I have bought him maybe 3 things so we are really unprepared, but hopefully within the next month I'll start to feel like we can bring him home and he won't be naked for the rest of his life!! :) I go to the doctor next week. My appointments are now 3 weeks apart, hopefully they will stay that way. I don't want to go to the doctor more often than I need to. That doesn't help the time fly by. Now that I am done with all the blood tests and things I only have the group B strep test to dread. Getting swabbed isn't my favorite activity.

On a side note I go to the dermatologist today and I'm scared out of my mind. I'm not the biggest fan of dermatologists (shocking I know... I apparently am not of fan of any who will hurt you!) I am hoping to get some better medicine for my acne and rosacea that is safe while pregnant and breastfeeding. I also think that skin cancer #2 has popped out underneath my scar from the first time. My regular doctor doesn't know much about it so I've had some pretty bad skin these past 7 months. There is one dermatologist that comes to my town once a month. The appointment for today was made back in November. That's how in demand things are here.

Here is my rant about skin cancer. I hate the sun. I have always hated the sun. When I was a small child my pediatrician told my parents that I would be very susceptible to skin cancer, I don't know if that made me subconsciously hate the sun for life knowing it would be my enemy or what. I am so annoyed that so many people go sun bathe and spend excessive amounts of time in the sun and they will never get skin cancer, and I avoid it like the plague and here I am, 26 with a possible second occurrence! NOT FAIR! Anyway, I'll post an update when I get back and let you know if they cut my head open. Fun, fun! :)

Now I will have a little scar right under the big one to match. I was right and I did have more basal cell carcinoma. Joy. Luckily they were able to get it all out today and I don't have to go back for more surgery as far as I know. Last time they took a biospy and then at a later date I had to come back for the removal. I was prepared for them to get it taken care of today so I'm glad they were able to. Also, there is a not-so-strong acne cream that I can use while pregnant. The doctor said that I won't think he is a miracle worker because it won't work very fast, but it should at least help me.

I feel like I live my life as a series of things to dread and then relief when they are over. Let me tell you I have been dreading this for weeks. Now that this is gone, my other things I am dreading don't seem as major. The list is this:

Singing in Sacrament meeting on Sunday
Do Sharing Time in primary this Sunday...

After those two things I'm home free for a while... as long as I don't have to do the group B strep thing on Tuesday. Although, with all of these dreading things, maybe we should just get that over with too. Am I a weirdo or what?


  1. Good luck my friend! Call me and let me know what happens. It will all be ok! Hopefully there is little if any pain involved!

  2. I can't believe you found more, but I'm glad they were able to remove it for you today.
    And Paisley is adorable giving her doll time out.
