Lately Paisley has been coming up with some very cute thoughts. Here they are as best I can recall them.
Most mornings we call Jason at work while we are having breakfast. For the past couple of days for some reason when it is my turn to talk she says "Here you can talk to Stefanie now." or some variation of that. Every other time during the day she calls me mommy, so I'm not sure why on the phone to Daddy I'm Stefanie.
She was flipping through a pregnancy book I have looking for babies and came across a drawing of a baby crowning (I know, I should have grabbed this book away before she even had the chance to look at the pictures) She asked is the picture was the baby's bum. I said no it is the mommy bum. Then she asked where the baby was. I showed her the small top of the head of the baby in the drawing. She then said "so the baby is going to come out of your bum?" I said "pretty close to there." So now she always talks about how my baby is going to come out of my bum and her baby is going to come out of her bum. This morning I asked her what she wanted for breakfast and she said "I want honey nut cheerios because they are honey and they came out of a bee's bum." I then asked her if they were the bee's babies and she said "yes!"
Even before this experience she asked me if my baby was going to come out of my stomach and before I could even answer she said " no, there is no hole in your tummy, it can't get out. The baby is in the dark because there is no hole for light."
It is very funny the things she comes up with and where her thought process leads her. She is such a sweetie!! We love our clever three year old!
Lol, she is too cute!