Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Week 37 OB

Yesterday we took an hour break from having the day be all about Jason to go to the doctor. We went through the usual routine and then talked about scheduling the baby's induction. We are officially scheduled for June 15! It is very anti-climatic to know when your baby will be born. I was looking forward to the excitement of spontaneously going into labor, but I NEED to have my doctor deliver this baby and so in order to do that I'm getting induced. We don't have a time set up yet. We will schedule a time next Tuesday when I go in for what should be my FINAL appointment. We are pretty excited to welcome Wubbzy into our family. I just need to survive the next 12 days which might be a little difficult. I am in a grouchy place right now because my body is done, I'm mentally done and I just want this to be over. I'm trying to keep busy getting ready and cherishing my final alone moments with my sweet Paisley. I will look back on these three and a half years with extreme fondness and gratitude that we had such great time together as mother and daughter and as a family of three. I'm glad we have been able to show her the world and expose her to so many wonderful and perhaps once in a lifetime experiences. I know it will only get better by adding a sweet brother into the mix and start creating some new, great memories.


  1. WOW!!!
    so jealous! lol! you're almost there stef!! yay!!!
    can't wait to see your little cutie!! i've got 8 weeks left before my hopefully the next 12 days will fly by for you!!!
    soooo happy for ya'll!!
    miss ya! Ü

  2. 12 days! Wow! I'm so glad you were able to schedule it so that your dr. could deliver for you. Take it easy til then! Love ya!

  3. Yay! I can't wait to see his royal cuteness! Ok so I had a dream last night that you had him. It was pretty funny, the Cornwalls called and sang Happy Birthday but threw a name in there (the name of the baby, the name I want you to use) and I was like WHAT?? They had the baby and didn't call me. You better watch out if that really happens! Anyway I will call you wish more details! haha luv ya and I cannot wait!
