Thursday, May 28, 2009

I love our mailbox... area

We have very cute flowers climbing up our mailbox post. It is so pretty. I love to go out there and get the mail or drop mail off and look at how beautiful that part of our yard is. Other parts of our yard have issues and aren't as pretty, but we are working on it. But this beautiful first impression of our yard right here is fantastic! I can't take credit for it, we inherited this pretty flower with the house, but I'm so happy for whoever decided to plant it right there, and I'm so glad it decides to keep coming back bigger and more beautiful every year!


  1. That's a cute part of living in a small quaint town, you have the old-fashioned mailboxes. The flowers are great, and don't worry about the rest of the yard, you've had more important work to do!

  2. It is pretty. I can't wait until I can have my own mailbox and house someday.
